French & Indian War
Joseph Ellis originally lived in what is now Cherry Hill and would volunteered to fight in the French and Indian War. Having been raised a Quaker, this resulted in Ellis being expelled from the Society of Friends.
Later Ellis would move to Gloucester Town. His experience in that war would lead to him being selected as a Colonel in the Second Gloucester County militia regiment. Ellis would also be appointed High Sheriff of Gloucester County by Royal Governor William Franklin. After the break in England, Ellis would continue to serve as the Sheriff.
With the outbreak of fighting in the American Revolution, Ellis would become a General in the NJ Militia, although he would later decline the rank
To read more on Joseph Ellis, click on the following link:
1755 French & Indian War Map
1755 - New Jersey was to build six Block Houses along the northern portions of the Delaware River during the French and Indian War.
"... 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 Block Houses built by the province of New Jersey Containing from 20 to 30 men Each..." ( Click on the link below to view the map in detail.)
[Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library]